Good Nutrition
One certifies that his diet contains all the nutritious essential ones for a good health. To do I use the Guide of the Food Pyramid and of the labels that inform the composition nutritional in prosecuted products a healthy diet can help to choose it. The Food Pyramid shows the types and quantities of foods what you need daily for a good health. The labels of the products help to select the foods that are fitted in his daily necessities of nutritious ones. A healthy diet must include:
Appropriate quantity of vitamins and minerals. To eat a spacious variety of foods of all the Groups of Foods of the Food Pyramid can help to obtain the vitamins and minerals what you need. Case you ingest fewer 1.200 calories daily, it can benefit while taking a daily pill of vitamin and mineral supplement.
Appropriate quantity of proteins. The middle woman of more than 25 years must ingest 50 grasses of protein daily, and the middle man of more than 25 years must ingest 65 grasses of protein daily. The appropriate quantity of proteins is important because it prevents the destruction of the muscular cloths and repairs all the cloths of the body, like skin and teeth. To obtain the appropriate quantity of proteins in his diet, be certified of eat 2-3 portions (2 sees Figure) daily rates of the Group of the Food Pyramid of meat, chicken, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts. All these foods are a good fountain of protein
Appropriate quantity of carbohydrates. At least 100 grammes of carbohydrates daily are necessary to prevent fatigue and imbalance of fluids. To be certified of to ingest sufficient quantity of carbohydrate, coma 6-11 portions (2 sees Figure) daily rates of the Group of the Food Pyramid of bread, cereal, rice and masses.
Daily ingestion from 20 to 30 grammes of fibers. The appropriate quantity of food fibers helps in the good functioning of the intestines. You can obtain around 30 grammes of fibers eats up 1 cup of crumbs of cereal, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 cup of beans, a pear of middle size and one more apple of middle size
A portion is the same to:
Group of the bread, cereal, rice and masses:
1 slice of bread
30 grammes of ready cereal to eat
1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice or mass
Group of the milk, yoghurt, and cheeses:
1 cup of milk or yoghurt,
40 grammes of natural cheese
55 grammes of prosecuted cheese
Group of the vegetables:
1 cup of vegetables folhosos raw
1/2 cup of other vegetables - cooked or pricked
3/4 of cup of juice of vegetables
Groups of the fruits:
1 apple, banana or middle orange
1/2 cup of cut, cooked or pickled fruit
Group of the meat, chicken, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts:
55-85 grammes of thin cooked meat, chicken or fish
1/2 cup of dry cooked beans or 1 egg count like 30 grammes of thin meat. Two spoons of table of butter of peanut or 1/2 of cup of nuts are counted by them like 30 grammes of meat.
Not more than what 30 % of the calories, on average, when they came from fat daily, with fewer 10 % originating from full fat (like the fat of the meat, butter and eggs). To limit the fat by these levels reduces his risk of cardiac illness and weight can help to lose it. Additionally, you should limit the quantity of cholesterol in his diet. Cholesterol is a substance similar to the fat found in animal products like meats and eggs. His diet must include not more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily (an egg contains in throne of 215 milligrams of cholesterol, and 100 grammes of hamburger it contains 100 milligrams of cholesterol).
At least 8 to 10 metal adornments, 225 millilitres each, of water or drinks based on water, daily. You will need to drink more water if it does great physical exercise.
One certifies that his diet contains all the nutritious essential ones for a good health. To do I use the Guide of the Food Pyramid and of the labels that inform the composition nutritional in prosecuted products a healthy diet can help to choose it. The Food Pyramid shows the types and quantities of foods what you need daily for a good health. The labels of the products help to select the foods that are fitted in his daily necessities of nutritious ones. A healthy diet must include:
Appropriate quantity of vitamins and minerals. To eat a spacious variety of foods of all the Groups of Foods of the Food Pyramid can help to obtain the vitamins and minerals what you need. Case you ingest fewer 1.200 calories daily, it can benefit while taking a daily pill of vitamin and mineral supplement.
Appropriate quantity of proteins. The middle woman of more than 25 years must ingest 50 grasses of protein daily, and the middle man of more than 25 years must ingest 65 grasses of protein daily. The appropriate quantity of proteins is important because it prevents the destruction of the muscular cloths and repairs all the cloths of the body, like skin and teeth. To obtain the appropriate quantity of proteins in his diet, be certified of eat 2-3 portions (2 sees Figure) daily rates of the Group of the Food Pyramid of meat, chicken, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts. All these foods are a good fountain of protein
Appropriate quantity of carbohydrates. At least 100 grammes of carbohydrates daily are necessary to prevent fatigue and imbalance of fluids. To be certified of to ingest sufficient quantity of carbohydrate, coma 6-11 portions (2 sees Figure) daily rates of the Group of the Food Pyramid of bread, cereal, rice and masses.
Daily ingestion from 20 to 30 grammes of fibers. The appropriate quantity of food fibers helps in the good functioning of the intestines. You can obtain around 30 grammes of fibers eats up 1 cup of crumbs of cereal, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 cup of beans, a pear of middle size and one more apple of middle size
A portion is the same to:
Group of the bread, cereal, rice and masses:
1 slice of bread
30 grammes of ready cereal to eat
1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice or mass
Group of the milk, yoghurt, and cheeses:
1 cup of milk or yoghurt,
40 grammes of natural cheese
55 grammes of prosecuted cheese
Group of the vegetables:
1 cup of vegetables folhosos raw
1/2 cup of other vegetables - cooked or pricked
3/4 of cup of juice of vegetables
Groups of the fruits:
1 apple, banana or middle orange
1/2 cup of cut, cooked or pickled fruit
Group of the meat, chicken, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts:
55-85 grammes of thin cooked meat, chicken or fish
1/2 cup of dry cooked beans or 1 egg count like 30 grammes of thin meat. Two spoons of table of butter of peanut or 1/2 of cup of nuts are counted by them like 30 grammes of meat.
Not more than what 30 % of the calories, on average, when they came from fat daily, with fewer 10 % originating from full fat (like the fat of the meat, butter and eggs). To limit the fat by these levels reduces his risk of cardiac illness and weight can help to lose it. Additionally, you should limit the quantity of cholesterol in his diet. Cholesterol is a substance similar to the fat found in animal products like meats and eggs. His diet must include not more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol daily (an egg contains in throne of 215 milligrams of cholesterol, and 100 grammes of hamburger it contains 100 milligrams of cholesterol).
At least 8 to 10 metal adornments, 225 millilitres each, of water or drinks based on water, daily. You will need to drink more water if it does great physical exercise.
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